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网站外链(External Links)
美国–改革宗翻译社- 书籍下载 Reformed Translation Fellowship US–downloadable books https://rtf-usa.com/books/
中国基督教书刊 China Christian Books http://www.chinachristianbooks.org
古旧福音(可下载的电子书等) Old Gospel https://old-gospel.net/
改革宗经典出版社 Reformed Classics Publishing http://www.china-truth.com/bs/
报佳音书店 Baojiayin; “legal” online Christian Bookstore (Mainland China) https://baojiayin.com/
中国改革宗神学院(台湾)书店 CRTS Bookstore (Taiwan) https://www.crtsbooks.net/
荣主书房(美国)Alleluia Bookstore (USA) https://alleluia-bookstore.myshopify.com/
大光传播书店(美国) Glory Press (USA) https://www.glorypress.com/
贤理 · 璀雅文字事工(苏格兰的出版社) Latria Press (UK) https://latreiapress.org/
《教会杂志》 Church China Magazine https://www.churchchina.org/
福音联盟 The Gospel Coalition https://www.tgcchinese.org/
林格尼福音事工团 Ligonier Ministries https://zh.ligonier.org/
中华展望(可下载的电子书等) China Horizons (ebooks) http://www.chinahorizon.org/
恩典城市 Grace to City https://www.gracetocity.org/
九标志 9Marks https://cn.9marks.org/
第三千禧年神学资源中心 Third Millennium Ministries http://c.thirdmill.org/
华人归正教会 Chinese Reformed Church (Canadian Reformed) https://chinesereformedchurch.com/
王怡文库 Wang Yi Library https://www.wangyilibrary.org/
中国改革宗神学(王志勇) China Reformed Theology – Paul Wang http://www.chinareformation.com/
圣经归正教会 (吕沛渊) Bible Reformed Church – Luke Lu http://bsmk.bible-rc.org/Client/Web/Home
改革宗初学者(王一) Reformed Beginner – Wang Yi http://www.reformedbeginner.net/
洛杉矶改革宗·恩约教会 Covenant Reformed Church – Los Angeles https://www.ccreformed.org/
麦迪逊基督教教会 OPC(讲章和学习资料)Madison Christian Church (a Chinese ministry of Providence OPC) http://www.madisonccc.org/
基督教改革宗长老会宏恩堂 Hong En Tang Reformed Presbyterian Church https://www.hong-en.net/
王兆丰的业余耕耘(好几本书!) Zhaofeng Wang’s website (with lots of books!) https://wangzhaofeng.com/
好消息汉语基础课程  Good News Basic Course https://goodnewsbibleseries.com/好消息汉语基础课程-chinese-translation-of-good-news-basic-course
圣约福音神学院 Covenant Evangelical Theological Seminary http://cets.wpengine.com/
约翰·诺克斯高等教育学院视频课程 John Knox Institute of Higher Education Lectures https://zh.johnknoxinstitute.org/video-lectures-chinese/
改革宗神学院(台湾) China Reformed Theological Seminary Taiwan https://www.crts.edu/
改革宗电视台 RTV https://rtv.org.tw/
网上的《神学词汇》 On-line theological translation dictionary https://www.shenxuecihui.com/
爱家庭中心(改革宗神学协会) Family Counseling Center https://fcc.org.tw/




网站外链(External Links)
美国–改革宗翻译社- 书籍下载 Reformed Translation Fellowship US–downloadable books https://rtf-usa.com/books/
中国基督教书刊 China Christian Books http://www.chinachristianbooks.org
古旧福音(可下载的电子书等) Old Gospel https://old-gospel.net/
改革宗经典出版社 Reformed Classics Publishing http://www.china-truth.com/bs/
报佳音书店 Baojiayin; “legal” online Christian Bookstore (Mainland China) https://baojiayin.com/
中国改革宗神学院(台湾)书店 CRTS Bookstore (Taiwan) https://www.crtsbooks.net/
荣主书房(美国)Alleluia Bookstore (USA) https://alleluia-bookstore.myshopify.com/
大光传播书店(美国) Glory Press (USA) https://www.glorypress.com/
贤理 · 璀雅文字事工(苏格兰的出版社) Latria Press (UK) https://latreiapress.org/
《教会杂志》 Church China Magazine https://www.churchchina.org/
福音联盟 The Gospel Coalition https://www.tgcchinese.org/
林格尼福音事工团 Ligonier Ministries https://zh.ligonier.org/
中华展望(可下载的电子书等) China Horizons (ebooks) http://www.chinahorizon.org/
恩典城市 Grace to City https://www.gracetocity.org/
九标志 9Marks https://cn.9marks.org/
第三千禧年神学资源中心 Third Millennium Ministries http://c.thirdmill.org/
华人归正教会 Chinese Reformed Church (Canadian Reformed) https://chinesereformedchurch.com/
王怡文库 Wang Yi Library https://www.wangyilibrary.org/
中国改革宗神学(王志勇) China Reformed Theology – Paul Wang http://www.chinareformation.com/
圣经归正教会 (吕沛渊) Bible Reformed Church – Luke Lu http://bsmk.bible-rc.org/Client/Web/Home
改革宗初学者(王一) Reformed Beginner – Wang Yi http://www.reformedbeginner.net/
洛杉矶改革宗·恩约教会 Covenant Reformed Church – Los Angeles https://www.ccreformed.org/
麦迪逊基督教教会 OPC(讲章和学习资料)Madison Christian Church (a Chinese ministry of Providence OPC) http://www.madisonccc.org/
基督教改革宗长老会宏恩堂 Hong En Tang Reformed Presbyterian Church https://www.hong-en.net/
王兆丰的业余耕耘(好几本书!) Zhaofeng Wang’s website (with lots of books!) https://wangzhaofeng.com/
好消息汉语基础课程  Good News Basic Course https://goodnewsbibleseries.com/好消息汉语基础课程-chinese-translation-of-good-news-basic-course
圣约福音神学院 Covenant Evangelical Theological Seminary http://cets.wpengine.com/
约翰·诺克斯高等教育学院视频课程 John Knox Institute of Higher Education Lectures https://zh.johnknoxinstitute.org/video-lectures-chinese/
改革宗神学院(台湾) China Reformed Theological Seminary Taiwan https://www.crts.edu/
改革宗电视台 RTV https://rtv.org.tw/
网上的《神学词汇》 On-line theological translation dictionary https://www.shenxuecihui.com/
爱家庭中心(改革宗神学协会) Family Counseling Center https://fcc.org.tw/




